Health in Harmony stands behind every product we offer. Our loyal customers rely on us to supply them with only the highest-quality natural products and to back them up with documented clinical finds and scientific research. Each ingredient in Everyday IMMUNITY represents the finest, most advanced, highest quality substance of its kind. Furthermore, every Health in Harmony product has been thoroughly lab tested and is manufactured in world-class facilities subject to rigid quality control guidelines.
Everyday Immunity is created and manufactured by a multidisciplinary group of medical professionals, pharmacists, and natural product industry leaders with the mission to deliver the safest and most effective wellness products to health conscious consumers around the world. The Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) contained in Everyday Immunity is subject to rigorous quality control guidelines and represents the highest quality natural product of its kind.
Everyday Immunity is a science-backed formulation of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) that is a highly potent and effective formulation targeted to help combat Vitamin D deficiency. More than ever, consumers are seeking highly bioavailable Vitamin D3 solutions that they can depend on to strengthen immunity and protect against colds, flu, and viruses.
In fact, Vitamin D3 has become one of the most recognized ingredients in the medical community for maintaining a healthy immune system.
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is a more potent and effective form of Vitamin D when compared to Vitamin D2. Vitamins D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol) are naturally occurring precursors that are converted in the liver and kidneys to the biologically active form of Vitamin D. Studies have shown that Vitamin D3 is more effective than Vitamin D2 in raising and maintaining levels of biologically active Vitamin D.
VESIsorb® is the leading delivery system innovation for dramatically improving the bioavailability of poorly absorbed ingredients, like Vitamin D3. For nearly 20 years, the advancement and superiority of this colloidal droplet delivery system have consistently been demonstrated in well-designed pilot and peer-reviewed published pharmacokinetic absorption and bioavailability studies.
By adding VESIsorb® to this formulation, it significantly enhances the therapeutic benefits of each daily serving of Vitamin D3. Simply put, you can achieve the recommended daily dose of Vitamin D3 faster and with fewer servings compared to standard Vitamin D3 products.
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) may offer benefits via numerous mechanisms of action including helping to support the immune system, promotion of optimal bone and cellular health, and promotion of blood flow and antioxidant defense for optimal cardiovascular health.
Everyday Immunity can not only improve your immune system and bone health, but Vitamin D3 has also been shown to help with the following:
• Calcium absorption and retention.*
• It boosts your mood*
• Healthy brain function.*
• Cardiovascular health.*
• Cellular health.*
• Support various measures of male and female fertility.*